Monday, August 15, 2011
Dufour Maternity Session
The rain wasn't going to put a damper on the maternity session I shot last weekend. We had to make a game time decision and change the location at the last minute, but it worked out beautifully! The Dufour's are wonderful clients of mine and they are expecting their second daughter next month. I've had the pleasure of photographing their sweet family through the years, beginning with their very first maternity session several years ago. It continues to be such a joy to capture these precious milestones for this special family. Here is a sneak peek from our latest session....
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I am so thrilled I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with this precious newborn! Little miss Laina is 6 weeks old with beautiful blue eyes and a gorgeous head-full of dark hair. I had set up some stations inside my studio to shoot some nice cozy "newbie" shots, but Laina had other plans in mind! Ha! She wanted nothing but the outdoors! No worries....that's why we as photographer's have to think fast and improvise! As soon as Laina got outside she was in her element! While she took cat naps in the baby hammock--the whole crew sweated out each irresistible moment so I could capture the perfect shot. Thanks again everyone for your much appreciated assistance! A 95 degree, 98% humidity North Carolina June morning was all worth it! :) Here's a sneak peek from the session...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Maddy's 2 Year Session
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Spring Cleanout Time!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Kendall's 1 year Session
This past weekend I had the pleasure of photographing this sweet little one year old! I've had the honor of capturing Kendall's milestone's over this past's crazy how fast they grow! We made this session extra special, because at the end of our "normal" photo shoot we had a cake-smashing session to celebrate her first birthday! It doesn't get any better than babies in tutu's eating cake! Here's a sneak peek from Kendall's session....

Monday, February 28, 2011
Anything But A Face

Monday, February 7, 2011
Model Search!
ATTENTION MOMS! Cat's Eye Photography is conducting a Model Search for little girls ages 2 months to 12 years old. We are in need of girls to model our unique handcrafted photo props and hair accessories! We are designing our accessories specifically for Cat's Eye Photo Sessions and we need sweet little faces to showcase all of them! If you have a little girl or know of someone who does, you don't want to miss out! Every participant receives a Proof CD of all their "model images" as well as a coupon for a future photo session! Contact Courtney today if you are interested! You can also find us on Facebook & Twitter!

Friday, January 28, 2011
Prom Shoots

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Let It Rain
"the best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It's cold and rainy here in the South today. They thought it might turn to snow, but all we've seen is rain with a little bit of sleet mixed in. I know, I blog about weather...a lot. I'm a weather nerd and I don't mind sayin' so. Not only do I shamelessly follow Jim Cantore on Twitter, but I have one of those remote weather monitors that tells me exactly what temperature it is outside before I even get out of bed. I love it.
It's fascinating to watch this complex atmosphere that our God created...full of power and tiny delicate wonders. I think part of the fascination comes from the fact that weather is still somewhat of a mystery. We might be able to forecast what might fall from the sky, but we really don't know exactly what is going to happen until we're in the moment. I guess it's kind of like life. Every snowfall has it's own unique snowflakes and every rainstorm has it's own unique raindrops, just as every person has their own unique life and experiences. The key is how we look at it. And when we have faith in God we don't have to worry about what falls from the sky, because we rest knowing that He already knows what is to come and He knows what we need. It might be a challenge to look out the window today and see sunshine, but if you look close enough you just might see a beautiful day....
"For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there, but water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
-Isaiah 55:10-11

Monday, January 24, 2011
Sweet Treats Photo Challenge
Anyone who knows me the least little bit, knows I absolutely LOVE pastries and any sort of yummy miscellaneous bakery item. When I shoot food (and I shoot a lot of it), I am rarely tempted to dig in and take a sampling of my work, mainly because the dish I'm shooting is usually lacquered up with some unthinkable spice/oil concoction in order to achieve proper texture or coloring. Something you definitely would not want to ingest. But, when it comes to bakery items, as long as they are delivered fresh, I rarely have to disturb their natural state. Darn. :)
So, that got me thinking and I thought it would be fun to offer a photo challenge, in honor of Valentine's Day. What's your favorite Valentine's Day treat? It doesn't have to be specific to Valentine's Day, just shoot your favorite sweet treat and see what you come up with! It's always fun to share thoughts and ideas about each other's work! Click on the Linky Tool below to enter! Challenge starts today and runs through 2/14/11.
I captured the following images from a recent Valentine's Day bakery shoot. So, now that the shoot is over...I don't mind if I do....

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What Goes Around...

I thought about suggesting a real vintage photo challenge to anyone that reads this and is interested, but even if you had a real old-school film camera, you probably wouldn't be able to find film for it...sniff-sniff...:( But, hey if you can get your hands on it, go for it! Go out and shoot something vintage style with film, then do the same image with digital. It's fun and eye opening to compare the two processes.

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