Happy New Year! 2010 was a year full of exciting opportunities, new challenges and many blessings. It's hard to believe that it's already behind us! Even though it's always a little sad to see the beautiful Christmas season pass by, I love the beginning of a new year. It's fresh and new...full of hopes and ideas...and plenty of surprises, I'm sure!
This time of year might appear drab to most people, with its bare trees and brown grass. There are no flowers to smell or vegetables to harvest, but I still think this is an awesome time of year. It's amazing to me how God created the different seasons and all of the intricacies of each one. That's one reason why I love this time of year, especially when it snows. Even though it doesn't snow an awful lot here in North Carolina, when it does snow, it's such a treat! (We were just surprised with a white Christmas for the first time in over 50 years!) Snow is so unique, exclusive to the winter season.

Have you ever noticed how amazingly clear and crisp the sky is the day after a snowfall and how fresh the air smells? I have no doubt that this is just a tiny reminder from God that during this season of quiet and rest, old things are being washed away and new things are being planned and prepared for us. Be blessed in 2011!
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